Hamilton is a story about how Alexander Hamilton started his journey and later became one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The play showed how Alexander Hamilton has always something to prove like thriving to survive, he wastes no time and write like he has no time, he doesn't really hesitate of doing what he thinks will help the country and he takes actions immediately. Hamilton stated that, "I'm not throwing away my shot" tells more about his attitude towards life. He believes on what he can do than others telling what he can cause. He is the type of person to think beyond his age and is passionate about his country's independency and believing that an individualistic approach may affect the conforming society of the United States during that period. Every song reveals the characters' personality in a direct way. Leading to a more understandable way to who they are. When Hamilton published a story about the Reynolds he then was labelled to be obsessed with his legacy, trying to do the unimaginable. The ending may not be the best one but somehow explains that, "anything could take your life but not what you believe in". And just to add, the fact that Aaron Burr's biggest failure is not trying harder and simply just want to rise up, unlike Hamilton's way of thinking which changed the America a lot.
Wherein Hamlet, I found it interesting as he did not only showed conformity to which he was unable to choose whether to take action or not, but also showed a rebellious act where he disgusts the relationship of his mother and his uncle. Hamlet is a story that depicts someone who is haunted by the past and immobilized by the future. Hamlet's madness made quick changes in his behavior, which follows the question like "is he still a noble son avenging his father" or "a mad prince creating chaos and trying to retrieve the throne to his self". The part in Hamilton where Commander Washington said, "It’s easier to die but harder to live" has the same idea to Hamlet's line "To be or not to be" that made him think of life or death. They may have some similarities to achieving their goal but dissimilar to the part where decision-making and taking actions is easier for Hamilton.